A”Miracle Breakthrough” For The Ages…John Page Burton

Is it just me or has it become next to impossible to watch a television program without getting bombarded by a plethora of advertisements promoting over the counter products and prescription DRUGS that have been scientifically designed and chemically engineered to help me achieve optimum levels of health and wellness? Maybe I am more aware of these advertisments because I am now in the over fifty club? At one time or another, most of us have been approached by a well meaning, profit driven friend or family member who has recently become a distributor for a health and wellness company whose products “are going to revolutionize the health and wellness industry”. Blah, blah, blah. With all of this being said, what if I told you that you can have immediate access to a “MIRACLE BREAKTHROUGH” that is guaranteed to improve your health and vitality, increase your overall happiness, stimulate heart activity, boost your immune system and in the process possibly even enhance your SEX LIFE!!! What if I also told you that this “MIRACLE BREAKTHROUGH” has been under your nose since birth! What would you pay for something that could do all of this and MORE? Would you pay a hundred dollars, five hundred, a thousand? Are you sitting down? This MIRACLE BREAKTHROUGH is absolutely FREE! You may not believe me or you may think that “this simply sounds to good to be true”. Well friends, it is true and I am about to share with you the features and benefits of this “MIRACLE BREAKTHORUGH” most commonly referred to as hugging.

Here are some of the features & benefits inherent to hugging.

*It is 100% heart healthy.
*It boosts the body’s natural immune system.
*It has substantial benefits for people who struggle with depression.
*It dramatically reduces stress.
*It has been shown to lower blood pressure.
*It induces better sleep.
*It’s invigorating and rejuvenating.
*It has NO unpleasant side effects.
*It can be taken in extremely heavy doses. In fact, the more the better.
*It is organic with no preservatives or artificial ingredients…it’s the real thing.
*Non-fattening. In fact, it has the potential to burn several calories if used over longer periods of time..


*It can be taken anywhere. Hugging is extremely mobile.
*No batteries or special order parts will ever be needed.
*Simple instructions that even a 2 year old can understand.
*Low energy consumption, high energy yield.
*Extremely cost effective…hugging is FREE!
*No insurance premium, no co-pays.
*Tax and duty free.

And last but not least, hugging is 100% returnable. I encourage everyone to try it for themselves. If you are not completely satisfied with your results, you may want to consider packing a donkey and heading into some far away wilderness area.

As always, I appreciate your thoughts and feedback.

8 thoughts on “A”Miracle Breakthrough” For The Ages…John Page Burton

  1. The power of a HUG! A hug is a great gift, one size fits all, and so easy to exchange. As a mom, getting a great big bear squeeze from my children is so magical, on both ends. Hugs bring feelings such as being loved, being valued and staying connected. GREAT Message!!!


    • Think of hugs as a “wonder drug”. The thought occurred to me after I read an entry in my late dad’s journal. Hugs mean different things to different people. Our older folks and children seem to be more appreciative of them than any other age group. Glad you enjoyed the article. Cheers!


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